Empowering Youth: SMF joins hands with AII for Parliamentary Workshop


The Saliu Mustapha Foundation is proud to announce an exciting collaboration with Ameliorators International Initiatives to organize a transformative Youth Parliamentary Workshop. Set against the backdrop of promoting civic education and democratic values, this workshop aims to engage and empower student legislators from various campuses across Kwara State.

Fostering youth engagement in politics

In today’s rapidly evolving political landscape, the active participation of young people is more crucial than ever. Recognizing this, the theme of our upcoming workshop, “Youth Engagement in Politics: Promoting Civic Education and Democratic Values,” underscores the importance of empowering the next generation of leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive positive change in their communities.

Partnership with Ameliorators International Initiatives

Ameliorators International Initiatives shares our commitment to youth empowerment and has been a champion of promoting civic engagement among young people. Their dedication to fostering leadership development aligns seamlessly with our mission at the Saliu Mustapha Foundation. We are thrilled to join forces with them to deliver this impactful workshop.

Objectives focused on Youth

Through interactive sessions, engaging workshops, and thought-provoking discussions, the Youth Parliamentary Workshop will strive to achieve several key objectives:

  • Educate participants on the fundamentals of civic education and democratic principles.
  • Empower student legislators with the necessary skills to effectively engage in political discourse and decision-making processes.
  • Foster a culture of active citizenship and civic responsibility among young people.
  • Provide a platform for networking, collaboration, and exchange of ideas among participants from diverse backgrounds and campuses.

Creating Youth future leaders

At the Saliu Mustapha Foundation, we firmly believe that investing in youth empowerment is an investment in the future. By equipping young leaders with the knowledge, confidence, and tools to actively participate in politics and governance, we are nurturing a new generation of visionary leaders who are committed to building a more inclusive and democratic society.

Join us

Are you passionate about empowering Kwara’s youth and promoting democratic values? Join us in our mission to create positive change and build a brighter future for our state. Whether you are a student legislator, a community leader, or a concerned citizen, your involvement is vital. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming Youth Parliamentary Workshop and other initiatives aimed at empowering youth leadership.


The Saliu Mustapha Foundation is excited to embark on this collaborative journey with Ameliorators International Initiatives to empower Kwara’s youth and promote civic education and democratic values. Together, we can inspire and equip the next generation of leaders to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond. Join us as we work towards a more inclusive, participatory, and democratic future for Kwara State.

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