Empowering Youth for Sustainable Change: Recap of the Youth Parliamentary Workshop

Saliu Mustapha Foundation, in collaboration with Ameliorators International Initiatives, recently hosted a transformative Youth Parliamentary Workshop centered around the theme: “Youth Engagement in Politics: Promoting civic Education and Democratic Values.” This initiative aimed to equip young leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to actively participate in shaping the future of our democracy.

Insightful Discussions:

The workshop featured esteemed speakers who shared their expertise on various aspects of democracy and youth involvement in politics:

Professor Abdulraheem Modupe Nimatallah: Addressed the vital topic of “Safeguarding Democracy,” highlighting the legal framework essential for protecting civic rights and upholding democratic values.

Comrade Abdulateef Ishowo: Explored strategies for “Unleashing The Power of Youth,” with a focus on fostering active participation and leadership, using the impactful case study of the Not Too Young to Run Bill.

Hon. Abdulkareem Abdulkareem: Provided valuable insights into the legislative process, emphasizing the importance of crafting empowering legislation that positively impacts society.

Parliamentary Engagement:

Following these enriching discussions, participants actively engaged in a simulated parliamentary session. Here, they elected leadership and deliberated on the pressing issue of “Climate Change and the Need for Everyone to Take Eco-Friendly Actions.” Recognizing the urgency of this global challenge, the parliament unanimously passed a resolution, underscoring the imperative for collective action and sustainable practices to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Commitment to Empowerment:

The Youth Parliamentary Workshop served as a catalyst for empowering young leaders to become agents of positive change within their communities and beyond. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, Saliu Mustapha Foundation remains committed to nurturing a generation of informed, engaged, and socially conscious individuals who are dedicated to advancing democratic principles and addressing pressing global issues.

Join Us in Creating Change:

As we reflect on the outcomes of the Youth Parliamentary Workshop, we extend an invitation to all stakeholders to join us in our mission of empowering youth for sustainable change. Together, we can build a future where every young person is equipped with the tools and opportunities to make meaningful contributions to society and shape a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

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Empowering Youth for Sustainable Change: Recap of the Youth Parliamentary Workshop

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